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Here at EveryLibrary, we take the fight for libraries very seriously. Thanks to donors and supporters like you we have been able to work with dozens of library campaigns, we have fought against bad legislation against libraries in Nebraska, Michigan, and Kentucky, we have taken action as the AFP spent tens of thousands to fight against library funding, and we have taken a principled stand against school library closures across the country. With support from people like you we have won many of these fights and in fact, for every dollar we have spent on a campaign we have returned over $1,600 in funding to libraries totaling over 210 million dollars so far.
As a 501(c)4 organization, EveryLibrary is the nation’s first and only Political Action Committee dedicated to supporting local library ballot initiatives through voter education and political action.
If you would rather give a one-time donation, please click here
EveryLibrary is a registered 501(c)4 organization (FEIN 46-1534149). When there are so many charities on the Internet asking for donations, how can you make sure your contributions are legitimate? That's why we invite you to check up on us before donating by finding out more about us on Guidestar, the most trusted guide to non-profits on the Internet.