Libraries by definition and by statute should be one of, if not the most diverse, equitable and inclusive places within a community. However, given the current threat to public libraries across our country on the heels of a pandemic whose effects are still evident throughout our communities, it is understandable that the capital investment into the library building itself may not be viewed as a priority.
Design excellence simply to create beautiful architecture misses the potential of maximizing a community's return on its investment in the library building. Learn how inclusive, curious conversations with those served by the library can imprint each community's hopes and aspirations into the building's design to create uniquely inspiring and empowering places.
About Chuck Wray
Chuck Wray is a principal with Quinn Evans and one of its library practice area leaders. Quinn Evans is the proud recipient of the AIA's 2024 Architecture Firm Award. Throughout his career he has worked extensively with local governments developing a deep understanding of their protocols, processes and priorities. For the past 17 years, he has focused exclusively on the planning and design of over 30 public and academic libraries, many of them award winning projects. All of these designs have been informed by the character of place.