Effective Student Advocacy

DAYLO mentors and members will present information on effective student advocacy as it relates to censorship, discussing topics like the value of a foundational book club, the importance of self care for student advocates, and strategies for community literacy engagement.


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About Claire Bennett, Jonathan Haupt, and DAYLO Student Leaders

DAYLO (Diversity Awareness Youth Literacy Organization) was founded in 2021 at Beaufort High School in Beaufort, South Carolina by then high school junior, Holland Perryman, as a diversity-themed high school book club that also participated in pro-literacy community service activities. In the fall of 2022, 97 books were challenged in Beaufort County public school libraries, and DAYLO expanded its mission to include anti-censorship advocacy at the local, state, and national levels. DAYLO has grown from one chapter in 2021 to eight chapters currently operating across the state of South Carolina, and more in development.