Texting is quickly becoming a preferred method of communication; it certainly is the most effective. Like all things there are good text campaigns and very bad intrusive ones. In this session we will take you through the basics of text campaigns to examples of the current “art of the possible”. How texting actually work, best practices, the value (necessity) of “opt-in”, how to move from one-way communication, to conversation and to driving actions such as volunteering and donating, where to start with texting, and a few other tips & tricks on how to make your text campaigns more effective.
Jonny is Prompt.io's Director of Business Development for Politics, Advocacy, and Non-Profits. A veteran of numerous political campaigns, he got his start working in civic tech at NationBuilder in 2016. While at NationBuilder, he worked with hundreds of campaigns, advocacy groups and non-profits to better organize and engage their communities. After finishing a Masters in Political Science from Columbia University, he joined the Prompt.io team in June 2020 to bring the same principles of community organizing and engagement learned during campaigns and at NationBuilder to the world of text messaging and mobile communication.