Board Effectiveness: Ten Questions You Need to be Asking Yourself. As a not-for-profit board, you also want to have an impact, making a difference. But can you do good if you’re not so good? Can you make a difference if you’re asking all the wrong questions? Imagine knowing that you make a difference to the quality of life for those who live and work in your community. You have but four critical and unique roles. If you want to get on the fast track to greater effectiveness, consider this your roadmap.
Ken Haycock
Ken Haycock is Executive Director of Better Boards. Better Communities, helping not-for-profit boards to have greater impact. He has been an award-winning educator (teacher, principal, senior education official) and elected politician (school board president, municipal councilor). He is also an honorary research professor at the University of Southern California and professor emeritus and former administrator at the University of British Columbia and San Jose State University. A prolific writer and speaker, Dr. Haycock has been honored by many national and international professional and scholarly associations. His current focus is on influence in political decision-making, governance and leader development.