I'm very happy to report a win last night for the Spokane Public Library's $1.7 million levy renewal! The renewal passed with a 70.8% Yes vote and ensures that the next 7 years of library funding will be stable. With this win, SPL can continue to serve their community in the best way possible. EveryLibrary worked closely with the staff and board for the library as they built an impressive and effective public information communications campaign. And we provided early and ongoing assistance to the Yes for Spokane Library committee as they did great work reaching voters across their city about the tax levy.
This donation page uses Paypal but You can also make a contribution via ActBlue here.
A win in Spokane is a point of pride for me, personally. This win is a renewal of our first-ever campaign back in 2013. Since then, we've worked with 61 other libraries and had 45 other wins, securing hundreds of millions of dollars for library funding. Since that first campaign - and for every campaign - all of our work is pro-bono for the library and the Yes committee. It's important to me to say thank you, because without you and our other donors, none of this is possible. The whole EveryLibrary team remains committed to our founding-vision that "any library ballot measure anywhere matters to every library everywhere."
Our next library Election Day is in June. We have another 8 on the calendar through the end 2017. Looking ahead to 2018, there will be dozens more. Can you help us share our mission of "building voter support for libraries" with your own personal networks? Will you help us 'refuel our funding' and win more library campaigns like Spokane by donating $10 or $20 right now? Your donation will go right to work...
Starting a $5-10 monthly donation ensures we can continue the fight for libraries!
Congratulations to Andrew Chanse and his team at SPL on running an winning library. Congratulations to the Yes for Spokane Library committee on doing amazing GOTV across town. And a special thanks to Pat Partovi, the now retired director, who first brought us in to help in 2013. It's been a great pleasure to support the Spokane Public Library on the ballot, twice.
John Chrastka
Executive Director
P.S. The ROI for our work continues at $1 : $1600. For every dollar donated, we help secure $1,600 in operating or building funds for libraries across the country. If you want to see this happen for more libraries, please donate today
As a 501(c)4 organization, contributions to EveryLibrary are not tax deductible.
You may donate by check or money order (US Funds only) made out to:
P.O. Box 406
45 E. Burlington St.
Riverside, IL 60546
Make a Donation via ActBlue
EveryLibrary is a registered 501c4 organization (FEIN 46-1534149). We invite you to check up on us before donating by finding out more about us on Guidestar, the most trusted guide to non-profits on the Internet.